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Bryan Ford


Phone: +41 21 693 28 73
Twitter: @brynosaurus



  • Blog on random topics
  • Photos from when I had time
  • Humor collected from the net
Photo of Bryan Ford

Two Principles of Deadlines:
1. All deadlines converge on the same day—Deadline Day.
2. Every day is Deadline Day.

Brief Bio

Prof. Bryan Ford leads the Decentralized/Distributed Systems (DEDIS) lab at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). He focuses broadly on building secure decentralized systems, including privacy and anonymous communication, systems security, and blockchain technology. Since earning his Ph.D. at MIT, Ford has held faculty positions at Yale University and EPFL.


The DEDIS lab is always open to highly talented potential group members. Prospective Ph.D. students are encouraged to apply to the EDIC program. Prospective summer interns, please apply to Summer@EPFL. Applicants for postdoc, software engineering, or non-summer intern positions, and for other DEDIS lab inquiries, please E-mail:

Bryan Ford